Key Features

Simplify your Paperless journeys

with emSigner with some amazing features

Enterprise Workflows

  • Easy Workflow Setup

    Workflow automation. Use your own template to start a workflow seamlessly

  • Ad-Hoc Signing

    Admin creates custom document signing & approval workflow templates which fits your business process

  • Bulk Signing

    Send bulk documents instantly for signing using different document workflow templates in one go

  • API Triggers

    We have API set up for you, whether simple/complex or cloud/on-prem, we have you covered

Global eSignature Support

  • US eSign Act

    ESIGN Act implements national standard for all electronic transactions and use of electronic signatures and records by providing legal certainty, provided the parties comply with its standard

  • eIDAS Compliance

    emSigner is eIDAS compliant and helps you accelerate your business' digital transformation

  • India IT Act

    You can eSign and make any administration applications utilizing Aadhar and PAN details

  • Remote / HSM Signing

    Integrate powerful document signing capability into your company’s existing system and workflows

emSigner Document OCR

  • Content OCR

    Optical Character Recognition is used in emSigner in order to make your content or text searchable

  • Handwriting Recognition

    You can translate handwritten documents to corresponding digital texts in real-time with Handwriting recognition OCR technology

Simplify your emSigner Integrations
with other Applications

Collaborative Editing

  • Document Templates

    You can create a range of simple to complex templates while creating a document. It can include multiple files and can be sent to one or multiple recipients on the go

  • Redlining and Track Changes

    There is a way to allow your recipients to make redlining or track changes to your document with emSigner

  • Version Control

    All the work is tracked with Version Control and an audit trail in order to verify and check who has changed what and when

  • Bulk Document Creation

    When you have multiple documents of a similar type, you can use Bulk Document Creation, which is quick and easier than working on a spreadsheet

Additional Product Features

Flexible Deployment

Shared Cloud
Dedicated Cloud

Complete Customization
and White labelling

Portal Co-branding
White Labelling

State of the art
data security

SSL Certificates
IP and Network Restrictions
PII Data Encryption / Single Sign On